Be Persistant

Pastor Dave


Description:Continue to ask God for what you need.

I'll Multiply It

Pastor Dave


Description:Jesus said, "Don't send them away, YOU give them something to eat." Jesus commanded us to show compassion. A fan to keep cool; school supplies to learn. "You give what little you have, and I'll muliply it."

Take The Cake

Pastor Dave


Description:If GOD is for us, then who can be against us? Anything that is against you is small in comparison.

More To This Life

Pastor Dave


Description:Good soil means good crop. But we have to cultivate the soil. Life can choke out the time it takes to take care of our soil. There is so much more to this life and His name is Jesus Christ. Let His Word take root, sow His Word and put the results in God's hands.


Pastor Dave


Description:So what is hospitality? The word, as it is used in the Bible, is a compound word that brings together the two words “love” and “stranger.” It literally means to show “Love for strangers.”Hospitality=Love+StrangerHospitality is love. Not only does the word mean “love,” but here it is set in the context of the command to “keep loving one another earnestly.”“Love in action” is how one woman defines hospitality. It is “meeting the needs of others through the use of one’s resources, specifically in and through the context of the home” (Practicing Hospitality, Pat Ennis & Lisa Tatlock)Showing hospitality is not limited to having people into our home (although this is its primary expression). We can also use the resources of our home to show hospitality by making a meal, buying groceries, visiting the sick, babysitting, sending a note of encouragement, gifting homemade crafts, and even supporting local and international ministries who feed and clothe the poor.Hospitality=Love+StrangerHospitality is a love of strangers. “It is to show kindness to strangers in such a way that they cease to be strangers.” It is “A concrete and personal expression of Christian love, intended to include strangers in a circle of care.” (New Dictionary of Biblical Theology)A “stranger” isn’t merely a person you’ve never laid eyes on before. So often, people in our churches, neighborhoods, jobs, schools, and even extended family are strangers. Even though we see them every day, we hardly know them.But when someone walks through our front door, a tangible, powerful thing happens. There is a fundamental change in our relationship. People who were once strangers cease to be strangers. They become a guest, and even a friend.Who is one stranger you can show love to this week?

Gorgeous and Glorious!

Pastor Dave


Description:Concentrate on what it means to people of the TRINITY!

Easter Sunday

Pastor Dave


Description:Easter Sunday Message

The Quality of Our Hearts

Pastor Dave


Description:God does not judge us on our outward appearance, but the quality of our hearts.

Born From Above

Pastor Dave


Description:By water and the Spirit we have Salvation through the Grace of Jesus Christ. We are baptised in His mercy. We are born from above and God still acts in our lives through our actions. During this Lenten Season and beyond, may the Spirit keep us in Faith.


Pastor Dave


Description:There are many temptations in life. Fill you life with other things so that you avoid those tempting thoughts. We are tempted to even lose faith becasue of external reasons - disasters, the economy, divorce. Get back to what God calls us to do: scripture reading, fasting and giving. When you are tempted - don't concentrate on yourself - concentrate on Jesus and those who are worse off then we are.

Be Victorius

Pastor Dave


Description:We all need a mountain top experience from time to time. Things are tough right now all across the world. It's easy to become discouraged. The same God that spoke then, speaks now to us. "Do not be afraid". Through the power of the Spirit we can live without fear and begin our journey to greater victories. To have a mountain top experience, sometimes you have to climb the mountain.

Stop Worrying

Pastor Dave


Description:Place your trust in Jesus, not in what you think will help solve your problems for the short term, like money and possessions. Excessive worrying drives us to other gods. Prayer to God will keep your heart and mind prepared for the future and take away any anxiety you may have for today. Jesus could have avoided the Cross. He could have become a very wealthy man because of his power, but he chose to give up His life so that we may have eternal life. Don't worry about tomorrow, keep your eyes on the kingdom.

Turn The Other Cheek

Pastor Dave


Description:Our Heavenly Father treats us all evenly. We have trouble treating each other the same way lots of times. Something is perfect if it is used for the reason it was made. God wants us to be perfect. That's a tall order. We are perfect when we behave like God want us to. Be what you were created for. We will fall short on many occassions, but always have the goal to reach for. Sometimes you have to look the other way when someone disrespects you, but you can do it. After all, Jesus forgave the very one's that crucified Him...


Pastor Dave


Description:Choose Life.

Don't Stand In The Way (Snow Sermon)

Pastor Dave


Description:Instead of standing in the way of God's will, we need to be a part of it.

Bask In The Glow

Pastor Dave


Description:Christmas Eve 2010 Message. Take a moment and bask in the glow. There are many challeneges that we face here on earth and during these days of uncertainty, but the ultimate challenage has been taken care of by Jesus Christ and one thing remains, He died for our sins and we shall live eternally. Let us bask in the glow with Mary, if only for a few moments.

Eyes Wide Open

Pastor Dave


Description:Sometimes we are asked to do things that we are unsure of, but we do it any way. We take on responsibilities that we are not necessarily keen on at the time, but we know there is a plan in place. Joseph took on such responsibilities and saw God’s plan for him. We all have a chance to be a Joseph to someone else, a chance to provide support, love and comfort in their time of need. When we are doing these things and take on these responsibilities, remember to keep your eyes wide open to see the Glory of the plan that may be laid down before you!

What If?

Pastor Dave


Description:What if the "Second Coming" already came? What if the Messiah was here with us now and living among us? What if the Messiah was you? What if the Messiah was me? What if?


Pastor Dave


Description:Are you prepared?

Thanksgiving Eve 2010

Pastor Dave


Description:Thanksgiving Eve Service 2010.


Pastor Dave


Description:Sometimes suprises really remind us of things we already know. Listen to Pastor Dave's sermon from Chirst The King Sunday as he talks about the Great Suprise...the eternal life that was given to us, for us by Jesus Christ. Suprise! Suprise! Suprise!

What's To Become Of Us?

Pastor Dave


Description:Jesus warned the Disciples that there would be wars, earthquakes, monetary might say nothing new from problems that we see today. He taught them that those who endure to the end will save their souls. What do we do? We keep our eyes on the Cross of Jesus Christ. We will meet the days ahead no matter how difficult they may be. We have the encouragement of Jesus Christ and of each other.

Finish Strong

Pastor Dave


Description:Life is not always fair, and it is easy to give up. God calls for us to finish strong when life seems to be unfair and it feels like everything is against us. Jesus wasn’t treated fairly but he finished strong and received the crown; the crown of Glory. In our families, in our businesses, and in our day-to-day lives, God ask that we do what is right even when we don’t want to. Finish strong.

Lessons From Tanzania

Christie Frick


Description:Christie Frick shares with the congregation some of her experiences and moments in her mission work with the people of Tanzania. St. Peter recently helped to provide a motorcycle so that pastors could travel from village to village spreading the Word of Jesus Christ. Christie grew up in St. Peter and is the daughter of Ken and Vivian Frick.