Who We Are.

St. Peter Lutheran Church, founded in 1794, is a congregation of the North American Lutheran Church (NALC). Located in Chapin, South Carolina, St. Peter has offered many things to many people as we share God's love together. We are a very active church with Christian activities that involve the whole family. At the heart of our ministry is the belief that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior and through him we have God's grace.

There are many opportunities for spiritual growth and nurture at St. Peter. Our ministries provide opportunities for worship, learning, service and fellowship so that all might be strengthened in faith and might grow in Christian discipleship. If you are looking for a meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ in a lively congregational setting, we invite you to make St Peter your church home.

What We Believe.

The goal of our ministry is to Expose people to Gods' love, Equip them to Exalt God, Enjoy other believers, and Experience the work of the Church.

About Jesus:
We believe that Jesus has eternally existed as the Son of God. As a part of the narrative story of God's redemption, Jesus became human. In other words, God became one of us. The church describes this as the Incarnation. The redemption narrative, which we call the Bible, continues as Jesus not only becomes human, but is born to a virgin and lives a sinless, perfect life on earth, allowing him to make right everything that had been done wrong in Adam. Jesus chose to die on a cross as a sacrifice for the penalty that should have been ours and his resurrection three days later made new life possible for us in this life and the next. What Jesus did during his time on earth and the character of his being provide a consistent reminder of what we should be about with our lives.

How do I begin a relationship with Jesus and receive this new life?
In baptism, God claims you as His own, forgives you of your sin, and gives you new life in Christ.  Anyone wishing to be baptized can experience this saving grace, because of what Jesus has done for us by dying on the cross.  We believe and practice infant baptism, as this is God's saving work, not ours, and is a gift to the child.  We also baptize adults.  We believe that in baptism, the Holy Spirit comes upon us, and the Spirit not only becomes our guide, but He works within us throughout our lives - moving us from a life of sin to a life where we resemble the person of Jesus Christ.  Our relationship with Jesus Christ grows and changes throughout our lives as we seek to do His will.

About God:
We believe that God has eternally existed. God himself shows us his desire for relationship by being relational in himself. He has continually revealed himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each part of what we know as the Trinity has distinct personal attributes, but these do not divide the nature or essence of God's being. Being created in God's image means that God is in himself relational and that He created man to be in relationship with God and with other people.

The Sacraments:
We believe in two sacraments: baptism and the Lord's Supper (also known as the Eucharist or Communion).  In baptism, God  washes away sin and brings new life.  In the Lord's Supper, we celebrate the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross, through which we have the forgiveness of our sins. We believe that Christ is truly present in the elements themselves, and we believe in the presence of Christ with and in His church as they share this meal as His body and blood. 

About Creation:
We believe that God created man in the image of God. Because of this, each and every human being possesses great dignity and is worthy of our respect and love. God confirms his love for each and every person when He sent His own son to die on the cross so that we might be able to be in relationship with Him through salvation in Jesus. In Genesis, God created man to rule over the earth; therefore we are stewards of the earth and the resources it contains. We believe that we will be held accountable for that stewardship, along with the stewardship of our gifts, talents, and the provision God makes in our lives on a regular basis.

About the Church:
The church has never been, nor will ever be perfect. However, its shortcomings cannot deter us from our purpose as God's primary instrument of change in the world. We know that we were designed for community with other people, and the place of greatest community in the world should be the church. The church is not a corporation or a massive company. It is a new humanity created by the resurrection of Jesus Christ that expresses itself as a community of faith in Christ. The Scriptures describes it as a body or a family. Our church takes seriously our role to serve our community and exist as a place that offers people hope and purpose, even as we challenge people to discover and live a Christ-centered life.